
sobota, 16 lutego 2013

Kolejne przypadki upadku meteorytów na świecie

Jeszcze zagadka z upadkiem meteorytów w Rosji nie została rozwiązana, nie ma kraterów a już słyszymy o takim kolejnym przypadku na Kubie.
Zastanawiające jest to czy aby wczorajszy przelot asteroidy w pobliżu Ziemi nie był czasem wykorzystany jako zasłona dymna do innych celów..

Tekst źródłowy:

Cuba, 15.02.2013 Residents of a locality ‘in the central region of Cuba said they had seen an object that fell from the sky and exploded with a great noise, which shook the houses of the place: it is learned from testimonies collected by local television. In service published this morning by Rodas, town in the province of Cienfuegos, witnesses described a very bright light that has come to have large size, comparable to that of a bus, before exploding in the sky.
Cuba Update: Apparently, another potential meteor crash may have happened in Cuba today. Related? From the foreign language news site: "In a report released this morning by Rodas, town in the province of Cienfuegos, witnesses described a very bright light that has come to have large size, comparable to that of a bus, before exploding in the sky."
"it was really unexpectedly. it shined like 10 suns. all my windows in my house was broken. people was in panic in first hours. it's not funny, really. But people is calm now." - Facebook comment on CNN article

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