sobota, 21 września 2013

Wegry: Pierwsze Panstwo w UE ktore podjelo walke z GMO i Monsanto

Prawdziwie węgierski rząd nie tylko obniża znacznie podatki i spłacił syjonistycznym bankom długi, ale likwiduje paląc  plantacje GMO. Od dwóch lat rząd węgierski wyraził zgodę na spalenie 2 000 hectarów pól otrutymi produktami firmy Monsanto. W Polsce Polacy nie mają nic do powiedzenia. Jedynym wyjściem jest dokonanie bezkrwawej rewolucji i wyczyszczenie tej stajni augiasza z obecnych partii. Można tego dokonac na dwa sposoby: bojkotując wybory na skalę masową, lub głosowanie na stricte narodową partie w stylu partii Orbana z Węgier.

Oryginalny tekst:

Hungary has taken a strong stand against biotech corporation Monsanto and their GMO’s. They have burned over 2000 acres of GMO fields within the last 2 years. According to Hungarian deputy secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development, Lajos Bognar, the pollen has not spread from the GM maize onto normal non-transgenic crops. Bognar also said that the investigation will continue despite the fact that seed traders are obliged to make sure that their products are GMO free. Hungary is a country where GMO seeds are banned, unlike many other EU countries.
During the investigation, controllers have found Monsanto products among the seeds planted. Regional public radio reported that the two biggest international seed producing companies are affected, and that GMO seeds could have been sown on thousands of more hectares in the country. Soon local farmers started complaining when they realized there may be widespread GMO seed use.
It was too late to sow new seeds, so this years harvest was lost. The company that distributed the seeds in Baranya county is being liquidated. Therefore, if any compensation is paid by the international seed producers, the money will unfortunately be paid primarily to that company’s investors, rather than the farmers.


2 komentarze:

  1. Jaka to paria w Polsce jest stricte narodową partią w stylu partii Orbana z Węgier.


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